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In addition to using ES6 as a specific flavor, on top of JavaScript as a technology, we're using TypeScript for it's additional type safety and resulting confidence when developing long lasting, well-rounded frontend solutions like a component library.

Roadmap As we just released kickstartDS with the first version of this documentation, we know, that we still have to work on many details to let our documentation shine. The roadmap shall provide an o

kickstartDS Design System Starter Only 5 minutes, 5 steps... ... to your own Design System! The selected components should be useful in every Design System by themselves, but they're specifically used

An episode dedicated to Design Tokens communication between design files and components libraries, from a development perspective. By using kickstartDS, we follow Jonas in the path of building a white-labelled design systems for flexibility.

HTML5 is the overarching standard for everything rendered on the web. This gives it the unique position to sit atop concrete abstractions and decisions like using React or Vue.js. It's the abstraction we're trying to leverage to deliver a framework-agnostic component library and Design System. Speci

ES6 is the specific flavour of JavaScript we're writing for it's much improved module support, making 100% vanilla JavaScript solutions a reality. It is also much more terse and expressive in its syntax (iterators, destructuring, arrow functions, etc).

JavaScript for us has two uses. On the one hand it is the foundation for progressively layered interactivity on a website / interface built with kickstartDS, and on the other hand it's at the core of the "engine" powering quality and developer experience in modern web frameworks: build tooling, bund

Some of the new features in CSS3 make it the perfect evolution of CSS for us at the moment. CSS modules for better native use of the code we write and generate, and CSS Properties (CSS Variables) for a flexibility that was not attainable before (ignoring resource- and JavaScript-heavy solutions).

Create a component Overview Creating a component differs from "just" adapting a component in that it starts out without a specific kickstartDS component already in mind. Adaptation process as a base l

Sass is the CSS extension language of our choice for the additional constructs it offers when creating modularized and DRY styles for components in a Design System.

Definition for "Decision"

Decision is an important part of the design system process. It is the process of making a choice between two or more options. In the context of a design system, decisions are made about the structure, components, and styling of the system.

When creating a design system, decisions must be made about the technology used to implement it. For example, the Sass CSS preprocessor, CSS3, HTML5, TypeScript, JavaScript, and ECMAScript 6 (ES6) are all technologies that can be used to create a design system. The choice of technology will depend on the specific needs of the project.

Finally, decisions must be made about how to specify tokens in the design system. Tokens are the building blocks of a design system, and they must be specified in a way that is consistent and easy to use. For more information on how to specify tokens in a design system, see the article Specify Tokens in a Design System.

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You may have even worked on one, but you still struggle to define it. Products as design systems the one type that I like to talk about most when it comes to design systems that big organizations can

In a recent code review, my passions stirred as I walked through a Pill component’s style with a designer teammate. Across our work — critiquing design concepts, writing acceptance criteria, reviewing

It’s not as if our community hasn’t made many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many attempts. Yet every system is different, so I’ll expand a system’s scope to includ